Tag Archives: reading

Monotonous Monday

Ouch– this past week was a crafting flop.  I didn’t even pick up my cross-stitch until the weekend.  We went to a potluck and I brought *gasp* store-bought baking.  I ate cereal for dinner instead of making the planned risotto. I know, I know, this isn’t exactly the apocalypse, but a good demonstration of my out-of-sorts week.  I spent my time steeling my nerves for cold calls in preparation for my looming unemployment, making said cold calls and recovering from the awkwardness/disappointment that follows. Egads.  My face is getting flushed just thinking about it.

On the bright side, I went to a great West Coast-themed party last night where we dressed like hippies and worked on a collaborative art project.  I think we should all consider making collaborative art projects a regular occurrence.  A friend read my tarot cards (the reading was about the looming unemployment, but seemed to indicate looming re-employment, so I am putting my faith in that).

In search of some creative inspiration, I downloaded some new music (Clogs, Matt Kanelos & The Smooth Maria and The Deadly Syndrome) and started a new novel (The Grass is Singing – Doris Lessing).  What are you listening to/reading this week?

It was another white week on the cross-stitching front, but I think this is the last all-white week (Thank goodness!)  Here’s the update:


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