Tag Archives: bread

The Breads of Good and Evil + Monotonous Monday

I enhanced my love affair with Joy the Baker this weekend and baked not one, but two of her breads.

First up, the droolworthy orgasmically delicious, extraordinarily unhealthy Cinnamon Pull-Apart Bread on Saturday, which ended up replacing the planned healthy dinner.  This recipe looks hard but is totally easy.  My Tuesday book club will be benefiting from Sunday’s creation, Apple Raisin Flax Bread, which looks easy but takes a long time to put together.  I don’t feel quite so guilty about this one, but it is certainly not a veggie replacement.  I give you the breads of good and evil:

While I waited for my breads to rise/bake, I got a lot done on my cross-stitching project. See that bluish line at the top?  That is the real top of the pattern!! I’ll finish this panel this week and be officially 1/6 complete.  Exciting new stitching adventures await, my friends.

I was trying to think of a new craft I’d like to experiment with this week, and loyal to my true literary love, Jane Austen, I think hat making would be an ideal new hobby– fanciful yet practical, feminine; lace, feathers, bows and ribbons… yes.

Hat making is my new calling. I’m not sure there is much call for this type of apparel nowadays, and I don’t know how to make the hat part of the hat, but I’m all over the bows and ribbons.  I might try it anyways.  I’ll keep you posted!


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