Tag Archives: wine

Monotonous Monday + Contrasting Cakes

Your Mondays once again contain 38% more monotony with the return of my cross-stitching updates.  Here’s what it looks like today:

I like that you can see the boat at the bottom now!  Since a few months have passed, I’ve made significant progress on my project, but the commencement of my new job has left approximately ten minutes per day of available stitching time.  Hence, I predict progress from here on out will be incremental, at best.  I am working towards finishing this panel by the end of the year and moving on to one of the side panels in the not so distant future.

On the baking front, this week is a study in cake opposites– one urbanite gourmet and one unsophisticated nostalgia.

Gourmet: L and I baked the most delicious cake I have ever tasted: Red Wine Chocolate Cake.  While the preparation is easy and relatively quick, the result is completely gourmet– it is moist and rich in a sophisticated, complicated way. If you have someone you need to impress, this is the dessert.  Don’t skip the topping– while the cake itself is delicious, the topping adds a divine dimension.

Unsophisticated: Next up, gumdrop cake for a certain birthday girl.  I think this cake borders on the disgusting– it is an East Coast recipe that does not appeal to my West Coast upbringing.  How exactly do gummy candy and cake fit together?  I’d never heard of such a thing until I was served it by my mother-in-law, who grew up in the Maritimes.  This is a different recipe, but in my opinion, the textures are all weird and the flavour is altogether heavy and bland.  However, the birthday girl gets what she loves, and so this bizarre cake is next on my horizon.

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Posted by on September 26, 2011 in Cross-Stitch, In the Kitchen, Monotonous Monday


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