Tag Archives: Oregon Trail

Squirrel Hide Crepe (also Monotonous Monday)

Only time for a quick post-yoga pre-bedtime post in this crazy busy week.  We had our friends over for a fancy grown-up dinner party last night, and I made savoury crepes with lots of fixings.. cheese sauce, veggies, fried garlic mushrooms and onions, chorizo.  It was the first time I have ever made crepes in my entire life (which was a little risky for a dinner party, but I like to live life on the edge, as you all know).

They turned out pretty well.  We had about half a crepe left of batter, so I made a creative shape with the last one– we decided it looked like a squirrel hide, especially once the other side was all golden brown, a la Oregon Trail, for those of you who grew up in the West in the age of Apple IIe.  (Just did a double take at that last sentence– I didn’t realize I had descended so far into nerddom.)  Here’ s a pic:

Amazingly I finished the top of my cross-stitch and moved on to a whole different section this week!  Here’s how the finished top looks:

Here’s how my new thrillingly varied and colourful section is shaping up (no, really, I’m finding this part fun):


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