Off to Denmark!

12 Jun

June 9, 2012

We were up early this morning to ensure we caught our ferry to Denmark on time.  J was apparently up half the night, probably due to the fact that he slept all day yesterday!  We ate our last continental breakfast in Sweden and checked out of the hotel before the walk to the ferry terminal.  The walk was only 2 km, but with all of our luggage, it was exhausting.  I kept trying to think of ways in which I could have reduced my load, but couldn’t think of anything that would have helped in a significant way.  Anyone have any useful light-traveling tips?  When we finally arrived, we boarded the ferry without any problems and found a comfortable corner to stow our luggage and set up for the three hour ride.

Being that we were again on a ship, J soon set off to explore every corner of the boat, breathe the sea breezes and feel the wind in his (half-inch long) hair.  I checked my email with the free internet and guarded our large pile of luggage.  Eventually, a family came to ask if they could sit down, and I said that they could, but indicated that my husband was also sitting with me at the table.  At first, just a mom and son were here, but then the husband and another son arrived.  When I indicated again, politely, to the husband that my husband was joining me, he said “Yes, but he is one person, not three!”  I thought that was bit rude!  I wasn’t trying to reserve the whole bench, only one place, but apparently there was a significant misunderstanding.  Then when J didn’t return for nearly an hour, I think this family was really annoyed with me.

By the time J returned loaded down with snacks and most importantly, lingonberry liqueur, from the on-board boutique, the rude father had disappeared, leaving his kids and stuff nearby.   I left J guarding our belongings and went on a short walk around the ship.  As J had said to me, it really was more of a floating casino or entertainment centre than a ferry!  There were slot machines everywhere, a large restaurant, ping-pong tables, oversized chess boards, kids activities and a huge boutique, which was about 40% booze.

By the time I got to go on my walk, we were out in the Baltic Sea, and I couldn’t see any land on the horizon.

It was a little cool outside, but it wasn’t raining.  After looking outside and spending a few leftover SEK on the slot machines, I returned to our seat where the rude father had finally returned and wedged himself in next to J, so at least I didn’t look like a complete lunatic, imagining that I had a husband!

I read my book for the rest of the boat ride.  When we arrived in Denmark, we took a very long walkway out of the ferry and over the road to a plaza where we found a bank machine to take out some Danish Kroner.  We dragged our heavy suitcases along what we thought was the right road for about 10-15 minutes, until we found the bus station where we planned to catch the bus to Hjorring (our next hotel).  It was too bad we didn’t get a chance to explore Frederikshavn, where we landed in Denmark, but by that time I was exhausted and hungry.  I just wanted to dump our bags, so we boarded the bus and had a relaxing 40 minute ride to Hjorring, a small inland city.

The hotel we booked is in an older building, but the rooms have been renovated, and our hotel room must be double the size of our room in Sweden!  It is also close to double the price, so it is probably for the best that we are only spending one night here.  The service was extremely friendly, the room is clean and the location is ideal– a very short walk from the bus and train stations. 

After dropping our bags, we found the train station to check that we had the schedule right and the correct tickets, then found a hole-in-the-wall pizza shop where we purchased two pizzas and a 1.5L bottle of pop for 110 DKK, about $19.  It is enough food for lunch and dinner, so definitely a bargain!  After scarfing some pizza down, J laid down for a nap.  I was ready for some quiet time after the raucous ferry ride, so I didn’t mind relaxing in our spacious hotel room for a few hours.

I woke J up in time to watch the Netherlands – Denmark UEFA match.  After the game and before bed, we went out for a short sightseeing walk. The town was clean and quiet with beautiful old buildings and churches, plus many large fountains, sculptures and art installations.

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Posted by on June 12, 2012 in Eating, Travel


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